All my years of studying pure science never prepared me for Jacqueline Chong's Tedx Talk. How could Sir Isaac Newton's Law of Inertia or the anatomy of the nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord) be related to my passion? Of course, everything is connected to the brain (silly me) but sometimes it's hard to make the connection except when Jackie uses her power of creativity. She is fascinating!
How did I stumble upon this genius? Well, I love the way I discover and learn new things every day. The best part being, the most intriguing things I learn are in no way connected to what I started out peering into. For example, someone suggested that I check out the Passion Project. Whilst browsing the website, I realize my very own friend Tirini is behind the Passion Manifesto (another brilliant idea) - no surprises though because she is a great inspiration. Then, I hopped on to Jackie's video, couldn't help but listen. Then, I thought, why not share it with the WWW, for obvious reasons. Not only do I relate to Jackie's proposition that passion surpasses "human trafficking, drug abuse, illiteracy" but that I also fully understand the infectious nature of passion. That, when you believe in something it percolates your entire being - and until you can submit to that thing, your happiness is at risk.
Well, I have fulfilled my duty - by sharing my thoughts with you, now it's your turn to take some action - over to you.