Well, for the first time in almost 11 months, I'm beginning to feel Veronica again (if you know what I mean). I was saying to a friend last week - that when life stings us, all we see is the pain, trauma and hurt. But it is after those moments of sorrow (if you do survive it) that you begin to realize the importance of being "grounded'. You know, I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't want a "flat" life where there is no conflict, misunderstanding, sadness or ups and down.
Earnestly, as a morally sound human being who strives for perfection, I am always grateful having reflected on my trying experiences. Grateful for struggles? -some would ask? Yes, even more appreciative because you know what? I am a survivor, and struggles make me stronger a person. They make me respect the value of life and laud the fact that my roots are SIMPLE, HUMBLE and DOWN-TO-EARTH. They make me HIGH ACHIEVER and BIG DREAMER. In essence, these challenges bring out the CORE Me - the RESILIENT FIGHTER. Amidst these, I never forget to say thanks to those who avail themselves to be the "vectors" of pain and hurt to others. Seldom do they know that they are being used - I'm sure in the end they feel disgusted and ashamed. But me, those experiences help me realize that allowing oneself to be a negative force to another - is certainly not a good place to be at. I refuse to be a negative influence in anyone's life less I become equated to THE MINUS SIGN.
It may sound like a sand-byte, but I know there are many out there who go through trying times and say to themselves - geezzz - what is all this for? I say, after you've "cocooned" - sit back and gradually peel off the layers, then you would begin to see the purpose for which it was targeted at you. It is all just for a season and believe me, life is far more interesting and worth living when you are able to surmount one terrible situation after another. No kidding - this is life and for some of us, it's continuous trek to the steep hilltop.
What more can I ask the giver of life for? NADA - SERENITY, PEACE, HAPPINESS, LOVE, COMFORT and more are swirling Veronica's virtual space. I'm back to doing my usual 10K run 4x per week, biking, hiking, "workaholicking" (as usual), and enjoying the finest things life has to offer - breathe! For I know not, when Mr. & Mrs. Trying Times may come tumbling over again.
Well, don't forget to put a smile on your face each day - life is too short, live it to the maximum whenever you feel your lung expand and contract!
Peace n love