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Thursday, November 17, 2011


Ask me what it feels like going back home where there is no electricity or tap born water after living in the West for over 10 years? I'd say it is very difficult. But ask me, how do I feel about going back to my roots, I'd say GREAT! You want to know why? Because Liberia/Ghana/Africa is my home. No amount of challenge, frustration and struggle can ever deter me from fulfilling my moral obligation. That is, contributing my quota to engineer social change on the continent. Thus, the story is about picking to my heels to Liberia and Ghana for 4 consecutive weeks to teach, research and do business

My joy knew no bounds as I stood before fellow Liberians at Cuttington University's Graduate School of Public Health and Buduburam Refugee Camp's Christian Center for Leadership Development and Counseling to impart knowledge and skills for sustainable development. Who knew that after all these years, I will be returning to the refugee camp I once received ration at - but now in the capacity of the Director of Flowers School of Public Health Sciences and Science to deliver the keynote address to 141 graduants of CCLDC? Well, I'm still trying to be the change I want to see in the world. See Ghana Daily Graphics of November 17, 2011.
Daily Graphic Newspaper, November 17, 2011


  1. All the best Veronica. I hope the trip goes well.


  2. Thank you very much Malcolm. Always great to read from you. So far so good...I'm exhausted from traveling - looking forward to returning home.
