HG: I'm a white man, from the west coast, of lower middle class means. I live in a wealthy area with hardly any African Americans. That is due to a certain level of racism. I get that. Police routinely harass black men just because they can. That is racism. I understand that. Prisons are disproportionately filled with black men when we all know that white men commit many crimes as well. That is injustice. I believe that. We have a serious problem in this country. Overall, black men trail other races in the area of income level. That is something that desperately needs to change. I watched this video because I care, and I despise racism. Having stated all of that, I have a serious question. When I was in university, I saw that African Americans were extremely underrepresented. There were many White, Hispanic, and Asian people of both sexes, but very few African Americans working toward their university degree. Why? What can we do to change that? There are many African Americans in the metropolitan area of Southern California where I live, but they are not educated as well as the other races. We have a high population of incarceration and a low level of education. That is very troublesome. I was a substitute teacher from 2003-2005. In my own professional opinion, the students who had recently immigrated from Africa were much more enthusiastic about their education than African Americans. What can we do to change that? Vietnamese people started to immigrate to the USA on a massive scale in 1975. They were poor, could not speak English, and lived in the ghettos of America. Yet, they escaped the ghettos while other races continue to languish in those ghettos. Why? What can we do to bring the level of education and income of African American men up to those of White men, or even Asian men? If that were to happen, it would certainly get rid of some of the injustices that we have seen in this documentary.
TR: Read the bell curve. What MSM and the apologists fail to mention is that nobody makes anybody commit a crime. That's voluntary behavior. The FBI DOJ crime stats separate black n white criminals. BUT ... included in white category are Latinos. If you were to separate the whites from latinos in the stats provided then white criminals diminish substantially and what you have is hi brown n black crime. Why? Education n work ethic. Simple.
My response was:
+HennaGaijin: Thanks for your humility, sincerity and respect.
+tomas rader: I respectfully beg to differ. Reductionist theories can be dangerous, simplistic and downright uncritical; so that it lacks any room from substantial inclusive debates. To completely disregard such complex intergenerational history of subjugation, colonialism, trauma, slavery, and everything else shoved down the unfair avenues of Blacks in America; only to reduce their predisposition to "apparently" high crime prevalence rates as a matter of choice, in my view, is naive, ignorant and condescending. A sophisticated introspective mind always tend to offer an opportunity for genuine learning exchange. Complicated issues in life and the intertwining conditions and factors could make one person prune to say "committing" a crime (or not). (Note my careful use of inverted commas on "apparently" and "committing" - go figure).
HennaGaijin: now to attempt a response to your question (because I don't have the answer) , I think your current geographical location might partly explain the low representation of African Americans in your particular university. If you must know, I am not an African American, but I am Black from Africa. I'm a sucker for education. I have attended world-class universities on at least 4 continents on the globe. Most often than not, I'm the only black person in my class or program or one of very few. Again, this is partly due to where I have chosen to go to school. Notwithstanding, if you were to visit (for example) Howard, Spelman, or Morehouse universities, your observation will certainly be different.
Immediately after I posted my comments, TR reacted:
+Fynn Bruey: So lets take a look at tye cradle of civilization whete white men had very minor interactions wuth the heathens. Africa today. Your PC mindset will eventually get tou or someone you live killed, robbed, raped, or worse ... loose their very soul to rap. Nature or nurtures been bullshit from its inception .... like keeping it real keeps me alive and aware. I don't source from MSM or a doctorates thesis read online ... I go back to hardcover texts that taught and didn't indoctrinate. They ceased to exist after the fourth global warming climate change hoax ... greenhouse effect circa 1976. I only trust math now ... it can't lie or have a funding agenda.
Then, that of DE's six months ago:
+Fynn Bruey: Well if intergenerational history of subjugation continues after the subjugation then something is the matter.
Alas, six hours ago, I woke up to a message in my inbox that SB has left a comment:
SB: The actual truth is hard to swallow. There is a disparity on the average IQ of different racial groups in America as follows: Blacks
Well, as I said earlier, I refuse to be dragged into a fit of rage and anger where much needed energy is wasted on frivolous arguments that usually lead to hate, racial slurs and insults. But I thought, since this is my critical thinking space, I could briefly respond to SB's comments here. Question! Why would anyone try to compare Asian-Americans to African-Americans regarding IQ test scores and incarceration rates? I guess it is easy to do, especially when it does not require much thinking/researching. Notwithstanding, here are three points SB and other could consider. One, IQ test scores are not reliable. Two, none of the 12.5 million Africans in 20,528 voyages across the Atlantic for almost 315 years were Asians. Three, the last time I checked, there was no law ever passed in the US to prevent Asian-American from acquiring education.
I could go on, but let me leave you with a message I read from a presentation made by Jeannine Bell at the Law and Society Annual Meeting in New Orleans early June -- a message a White person delivered to a Black family who recently moved into a so-called "White neighbourhood" in Chicago:
We don't know if you have realized this, but you and your family are niggers. We, as members of the white society, do not down the idea of having niggers living in our community. We are not happy to see our property values plummet to an all-time low. We have worked hard to bring up our property value with strict community restrictions. Since the real estate appraisers have learned that niggers live in our communities, we lost thousands of dollars on the resale to the nigger section in town, to another state or community, or to Africa where you really belong.
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